I can't believe it

Raaaaaawr. So... I'm going to start this with a little rant about my weekend.
And no, this entire post is not about her ass or how beautiful that woman looks in the photo... I'll only mention it in the next paragrpah because I'm still listening to that song.
Unfortunately, I got no ass like that last weekend... although it does look quite nice, ne? Too bad I know very few ladies at Lakeridge who would swing my way... It's quite the unfortunate truth... that, or they're stuck in the stupid closet because of this male dominant egotistical religion-fucked society. I might rant about that later... or earlier... I might have made a rant about religious mind control and how it influenced the brain fucking, but not sure if I touched on that specifically... hmm....

So, usually about every other weekend I go up to Mount Hood Meadows to snowboard, and sometimes, because my sister and baby nephew live in Bend, mom and I drive on down there. Usually this will work out great- on the way there, I board a couple hours, hang out at my sister's, then on the way back board a couple more hours- however... my sister-in-law wanted to come with her son (also my nephew)... my TWO YEAR OLD nephew. Now, I don't know if you know this, but it's abooout a 3 hour drive to Bend, and we had to drive there in mom's smaaaaaaaaaall car. Jam packed with 'essential to living' CRAP. Let me paint an image in your brain: Two adults in the front seats, a two year old in the back, and next to him (pretty much no middle seat)is my snowboard and myself. Jammed into the same seat for SIX HOURS. Imagine laying against a hunk of metal about as sharp as a dull knife for that long.
And then, due to still being sick, I couldn't board for very long and, because we had a two year old with us, I only got to snowboard for an hour on the mountian in the most perfect weather I've seen in weeks. Only an hour, damn it.
Not only that, but after I felt better... I tried some of my sister's home cooking.
Doing that.
It made me sick, and at four in the morning I woke up with the unsettling urge to purge, and couldn't get back to sleep for another hour and a half. The next morning I didn't trust her food, (it also just looked gross) and so because we had a sleeping toddler in the car (as we were driving back) we couldn't stop to get food... I ended up not being able to eat for 20 hours. Not. Fun.
The only highlight of my weekend was that I got a
haircut... which, extremely ODDLY enough, about fifty other people decided to at the same time, too. What, did a psychological BOMB explode in all of our heads at once? Maybe some kind of alarm clock? "GET YOUR HAIR CUT. GET IT DONE. NOW, BITCH."

I think that's what my alarm clock said this morning....
And yes, my alarm clock frequently insults me. It's supposed to annoy me until I 'wake up'. It's got about 5 insults that it rotates with... "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!! TIME TO GET UP, TIME TO GET UP!!!" "You wanna end up like the fishies? Get up." But now, because I'm so used to them and I'm still dreaming when I hear it, it just starts laughing at me... sometimes it comes up with new insults when I'm half asleep...
Let's see... what's something art related I can say? Hmmmm.... I still need to do the Be Jing painting... sketch... thing. Aaaaand I started reading manga and doing comics again this past weekend. I'm trying to have them based on different folk lore and mythology from different cultures, and then add my own gay twist to them.
There's not enough gay love in the world.

Everything would be so much better if everyone was GAY. Then men wouldn't complain about bitches, girls wouldn't complain AND OBSESS over ass holes, and if dudes or dudines complained about their partner, they'd be hypocrits and thus... really silly. "DUDE, guys can be such ass holes! We suck, man!" "... Not all of us are jerks..." "All dudes are jerks, except us. We're special." "..." Or, a lesbian conversation: "Women are SUCH drama queens! They obsess and are over critical of every little tiny thing! We can't they just have a good time?! Why can't women just LIVE and FORGET?" "DUDE, shut up. I'm trying to kick your ass at pool." "I'M NOT DONE COMPLAINING ABOUT OUR SPECIES." "Dude, live and forget." "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE, BITCH." "... Bitch."

Wait, I DID have something I was going to talk about before I was distracted with my weekend! I was going to comment on the comments I got on my artwork...
Thank you guys for commenting on them and giving good feedback, btw. I found them genuinely interesting and, although a little surprised by some of them, really appreciated hearing about my artwork. Here's a little history on this year so far with my artwork, though.
December: *smacks head on desk repeatedly* *gets talk about not doing artwork in class by the blond lady... teacher helper gal...* *smacks head even MORE in artistic frustration* *turns in CRAP for the concentration pieces due*

Febuary: Grr... I've got the style, now I just need the theme... until I can think of something, I'll do a bad ass drawing of one of my characters based on the Germal folk lore (alps), Zach. That's the only explanation for my most recent piece...
And about my theme... honestly? I don't really have one. ANY TIME I started with a theme, and tried to do art, I couldn't do anything. I'll be like, "OOH, I'LL DO STUFF WITH POLITICS AND GAY RIGHTS"... but then i can't think of anything to draw, nor what kind of style or... really anything whatsoever. It makes my artsy brain completely freeze up and spazz out uncontrollably. So my plan so far, is to do some artwork as I go along, and towards the end piece them all together. Honestly, Mrs. B, I can't work with a set theme and go from there. It makes me freak out and I don't get anything done. The most consistant thing I can do is work with the same materials...
WHICH REMINDS ME. I have an idea for my next piece, which was partially inspired by Karen's fish tits piece, partially inspired by the constant boob drawing Taylor C. and I did (on the board in the orchestra) room last Wednesday! We did a lot of boob drawings and people got mad and erased them...
we drew them back on, nipples and all, but people still tried to erase them... darn straight folk. ANYWAY, that gave me an idea for the next piece that will connect it to the hand drawing I did. What it'll be, basically, a drawing of a woman standing shirtless while my bad ass swirly design stuff comes out of the cut running down the middle of her chest! ... I'll post the sketches later. I think it'll be cool....

WHICH REMINDS ME: Taylor C. and I might do collaborative work next year. She'll do the background art, and I'll do the more forward art. (as you may or may not know, I'm HORRIBLE with backgrounds.) It'll be mostly human rights and political stuff- all the controversial fun I know the school will love. :)

PS: None of the pictures I posted on this post are mine... I just had fun on deviantart searching for stuff. Jus' so ya know. :)
oh boy i've been thoroughly entertained by your rant.