Rocked You Like a Hurricane~!
Hmmm... to get my blog updated and over with, I guess I'll do something now instead of later... Gaaaaaaah today was so weird... "You're bi-curious! Make out with us!" "....okay...?!" -_-"
So... I'm kinda in a rut- AGAIN- with the art making... thing.... I'm just not in the FUNK and have no solid ideas-although i did a fabulous creation of a small drawing involving boobs and watercolor during class. I'm not sure what kind of media to use next. Watercolor and pen? Charcoal, like my last major piece, and pen? Combination? None of the above!? So many choices.... T_T
To make this longer I guess I'll talk about... the fucked up weather!? Nah, I'll talk about the picture above with the girl and the inking and drippy stuff. I really like the style used to create it- it's got a good use of contour drawing combined with -the for ever fun and exciting- splatters. I love how the words are used sparingly but necessary in it. The way everything is placed in the piece draws your eyes around the piece and keeps it interesting. :)

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