A rant on fashion...
For a White Guy What. The. FUCK is with the fashion this year? Why are they trying to make GRANNY CLOTHES stylish? Like, yes, I think some of the old styles are pretty fashionable in FEW cases, but really people? Dressing up in skirts that go up to your hips can only help you so much- old ladies wear them when they start getting the old fatty belly so that they can hide the bulge. Wearing your mother's
curtains and helplessly tying ropes around it makes you look like a parachute that opened too early, and then the sky diver DIED in it. (actually, that would be a REALLY cool costume. Wear one of those dresses and then drench yerself in fake blood) And, lastly, making shirts and dresses of your deceased greatmother's couches and furniture is not sexy. "Where'd you get that dress? It looks like my grandma's sofa!" "..." Oh, and the other style that's been going on besides the granny look? HOBO LOOK. FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL.
Although, in the picture above, even though it undoubtedly fails, I don't disapprove of the nudity. Tee hee.
What did you do to granny's wallpaper!?
Granny's sweater- made during her 'witch phase'
It seems as though some kind of animal is trying to escape her pants... see how it billows out in said manner? and because her left foot is forward, it looks like there's a bulge on her thigh. ;)
Rawrs! Watch out for my vampirely ways! I will attack you with my caterpillar hands!
I'm too lazy to FIX my tights or get new ones. So, I'll just walk around like a homeless person and see if anyone jumps me.
The ones on the outside- how is that not reminding you of your dead aunt Sally?
Goth girl going to... work? Party? The girl on the right only pulls it off because of her bad ass hair.
Little orphan Annie has finally grown up~! Into a prostitute, that is. 
You... you stole my curtains! Is there a dead guy in there??? Helloooooo~?
Curtains from granny's funeral. :(
I... um... WTF?
Where's her pants? Is she even wearing panties?

Man on the left: GAY. Woman on the right: homeless gal wearing a blanket to keep warm. Poor gal...
Beware! Pirates of the Catholic church are on the move!
No one makes decent things because Alexander McQueen is dead. :O