Yeah we'll show her what it's all about
We'll get her jacked up on some cheap champagne and let the good times roll on out

At Oregon Country Fair last year, I did henna designs all up and down my friend's arm and face, and she did some on me, too. The above picture is my friend Diana's work, as well as the 'Dyke' sharpied on my back picture. There's a funny story about that... kind of. More so of a 'GAAAAH PEOPLE ARE STUPID' kinda thing, though. Aaanywho.
I'm doing henna again this year at OCF, this time maybe charge for it. Like, $5 for your arm or something. Maybe. Probably. We'll see. My friends and I are going as DRAGONS. Maybe. Probably. I think dragons would be cool........ plus henna up and down our arms and faces would be epic and shit.
Yeah... so the pictures below are some designs I did on my friend, and the ones above are my friend did on me. (that sentence sounds SO AWKWARD. BUT IT WASN'TTTT. IT WAS JUST PAINTING, I SWEAR.) It's too bad I didn't get pictures of the other people I henna'd. :/

I like what you did to Dai-chi, and I would totally pay you to do me.
ReplyDeleteUm. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I meant "I would totally pay you to paint your designs in henna on my arms." Anyways... awkward. Moving on now.
So! Do I want to hear the not-so-funny funny story behind why you have "dyke" sharpied on your back?