So... I am doing fantastically today. The only down part was looking at the breadth section Mrs. BcBride posted... while everyone was frantically trying to get their pictures fixed up with photoshop (during class), and I was done, I boredly started playing with one of my pictures... and apparently forgot to NOT save, resulting in the death of one of my pieces. T_T
So sad....
But, everything else? FANTASTIC. I gots a new computer, BITCHES, which means I can go on facebook, chat with people on there, post stuff on blogspot....
Today, I went to the park with mah pops- the park was particularly dead, and the trees looked like they were writhing in pain, but it also looked like some kind of bad ass scene from a Miyazaki movie. If I could draw bad ass trees, I would draw those trees. Everything at that park also reminded me of Harry Potter- the before said bad ass trees looked like the Womping Willow, and the lake there looked like dead bodies were going to rise and grab my feet (sixth HP book/movie...) and then poison me with painful water. I know what I'll be dreaming about tonight. >:D
So sad....
But, everything else? FANTASTIC. I gots a new computer, BITCHES, which means I can go on facebook, chat with people on there, post stuff on blogspot....
Today, I went to the park with mah pops- the park was particularly dead, and the trees looked like they were writhing in pain, but it also looked like some kind of bad ass scene from a Miyazaki movie. If I could draw bad ass trees, I would draw those trees. Everything at that park also reminded me of Harry Potter- the before said bad ass trees looked like the Womping Willow, and the lake there looked like dead bodies were going to rise and grab my feet (sixth HP book/movie...) and then poison me with painful water. I know what I'll be dreaming about tonight. >:D
OH NO!!!!
Could you take a picture of it and re-post it?
I mean... nothing you can do for your grade but...
Apparently I just fucked up that project splendidly...