Sunday, January 31, 2010


Aaaah... silly americans and their fear of wiccans and middle eastern based beliefs. And Homosexuals.
And dark skin.
And Health Care.
And Love. :)
Ya know, i'm almost tempted to get a new sketchbook and completely fill it with pictures of religion, unfair lunchings, hypocrisy, and hate. And then make another one filled with love and understnding, gay love and trust. And then, the last one? ANIME. :)
It has occurred to me that I focus on how ignorant other are whenever I rant about religion, hate or whatever hypocritical crap is going on in the world, I become hypocritical myself by saying they suck for not accepting us- but at the same time, make them less and less accepted by us. How can we be accepted by them if we can't accept them? All of it is stupid and hypocritical.
People should just SHUT UP, ignore the differences (or if you can ACCEPT THEM) and love each other. Including me- however, when it comes to the internet, I can't help it. I love everyone, regardless of how stupid they are- Christian, Wiccan, Catholic- whatever man. Just fuck, not fight; and walk away happy. :)
Last little comment I forgot to mention earlier-
My concentration this year is MUTATING. BEWARE. At first, it was focusing on kids' perspective of the world... now it's some rad awesome opossum rainbow blossom fun.

Drove my Chevie to the Levy but the Levy was dry

So... I am doing fantastically today. The only down part was looking at the breadth section Mrs. BcBride posted... while everyone was frantically trying to get their pictures fixed up with photoshop (during class), and I was done, I boredly started playing with one of my pictures... and apparently forgot to NOT save, resulting in the death of one of my pieces. T_T

So sad....

But, everything else? FANTASTIC. I gots a new computer, BITCHES, which means I can go on facebook, chat with people on there, post stuff on blogspot....

Today, I went to the park with mah pops- the park was particularly dead, and the trees looked like they were writhing in pain, but it also looked like some kind of bad ass scene from a Miyazaki movie. If I could draw bad ass trees, I would draw those trees. Everything at that park also reminded me of Harry Potter- the before said bad ass trees looked like the Womping Willow, and the lake there looked like dead bodies were going to rise and grab my feet (sixth HP book/movie...) and then poison me with painful water. I know what I'll be dreaming about tonight. >:D

Monday, January 18, 2010

Like a cho lo side to side, elbows up up side to side

I guess I'll retell my experience at Portfolio Day?

Well, basically:

First, I went to one of the PNCA peeps, Melissa. She was pretty chill, and gave good feedback on my stuff. Mostly she commented on the quality of paper and that I should have a looooooot more observation pieces. I have a feeling I'll end up talking to her in the future. :D

I have NO IDEA WHAT WAS GOING THROUGH MY THICK SKULL when I decided to wait an hour in line for CalArts, but I did. I had no one to hang out with.... it was boring, but I pulled through. I have no intention of going here... but I still got interesting feedback. Mostly she wanted less of the puppet people and more of the crazy character drawings from my head- some background for those would also be nice. She also commented on the paper thing, and that I need to do a loooooooooooot more observational people drawings. *hint hint*, cartoons were not proportional. So, I'll have to work on that...

Lastly, I went to the OCAC, which for future colleges seems most promising. She mostly said the same things about my crazy folklore character drawings- that I need more of those and good background. She also said that I need a loooooooooot more observational drawings. I know what I'll be doing this year.

I think next year I'll add in some photoshop/logo stuff as well. Get some fancy pantsy paper. :)

Peace, folks.